Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Kingdom of God

Jesus of Nazareth announced the coming of God's kingdom 2000 years ago - "Now is the time," he said.  "Here comes God's kingdom!  Change your hearts and lives, and trust this good news!" (Mk. 1: 15 CEB)  Reading the gospels, one may say that indeed God was active in a dramatic way in the ministry of Jesus, but what about now, in the year 2012 A.D.?  Where is the kingdom of God today?
Well, today as then, the kingdom of God is mostly invisible, people don't see it for the most part.  It is visible in acts of kindness and goodness by individuals.  God rules over the hearts and minds of some persons who have a mystical relationship with Him/Her.  I'm afraid that's it.  God is a strange person.  He/She is omnipotent, but chooses to defer to people's own will in exercising power.  His/Her kingdom is a very delicate matter.