I've viewed today, a 2019 film,
3022, with actor Omar Epps in lead role. This is a science fiction movie, as it is set in the future when Earth has a colony on Jupiter moon, Europa and a refueling station is established along the way there. All action takes place in and around the station, named 'Pangaea.' Epps is terrific in the role of captain Laine, maintaining an admirable dignity though he suffers great stress, nightmares, illusions and seesaws between rationality and the edge of madness. Early in the film, Earth is destroyed, blown up, though we don't definitely realize that until later, when three refugee astronauts from the International Space Station make it to Pangaea. These three bring along hidden evil and conflict to the crew of Pangaea and eventually only Laine and crewmate-engineer Jackie Miller (actress Kate Walsh) are left alive. These are the last two survivors of the human race (except possibly the colonists on Europa, but there is never any communication from these). To subsist, engineer Miller comes up with plan to split Pangaea, thereby extending oxygen and food. Accidentally the two survivors are separated when Pangaea is split and Captain Laine is determined to rescue Miller who is heard poignantly crying by radio. In ending the film, Captain Laine arrives at the cast-off half of Pangaea and searches until finding crewmate Miller. She is destitute when found and the two look at each other when Laine comes through the doorway with the focus changing from Laine to Miller and then back to Laine. Laine's expression is a sight to behiold, with piercing eyes and quivering lips. The camera lingers on his face and thought of Adam and Eve entered my mind.