Monday, November 15, 2021

Identity of God

 God is border-guard between nothing and creation.  In front of God is all creation, the cosmos.  Behind God is nothingness, zero.  (This is part of  human conception of the Deity.)  From nothing to something requires intelligence, logos.  If zero is real number, then nothing is real concept.  Yet nothing as absence, is impossible.  Nothing can be imagined or thought, but not brought into being.  To eliminate everything, including Himself, would be greatest accomplishment.  Perhaps one could imagine God in parenthetical, dormant state while nothing reigns.


{steps to nothingness}

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Day By Day

 'Day by Day' is mantra or motto to live by, each day of life.  It means take each day as it comes, morning to night & think about only that day, excluding thought of yesterday or tomorrow, as much as possible.  There is a saying, from Jesus of Nazareth, 

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own (Mt 6:34 NIV)

There is a song from stage-play, 'Godspell.'  It's called 'Day by Day.'  Here are lyrics:

Day by day
Day by day
Oh Dear Lord
Three things I pray
To see thee more clearly
Love thee more dearly
Follow thee more nearly
Day by day

This song was radio hit in 1972. It has nice tune and may be easily hummed or silently sung.  The challenge of today - live with faith, hope and love; God.


Tuesday, October 19, 2021

A Dream

 I dreamed a short dream last night, Monday night, 10/18/21.  I was driving on highway in right lane when I passed a white car parked on shoulder.  People were walking along other side of car toward a restaurant.  I saw one person had got out of white car and started walking & as I looked at her in rearview mirror, I recognized her coat and realized she was my mother. I pulled into parking lot and waited.  When she got close, I asked my Mom, what are you doing here?  I don't know her answer, but then I said, "I'll move your car into the lot."  I realized the other people weren't with my Mom.  At first, I thought they were all together.  They just happened to be going to same place.  That's it, the end.     

Sunday, July 18, 2021

The Historical Jesus

 Jesus was an actual man, Jewish male, who lived in early first century Palestine and died by crucifixion around 30 A.D.  The main sources for finding out about Jesus are the four gospels of the NT, other NT writings and some early extra-biblical works such as the Gospel of Thomas.  There are notices of Jesus and the primitive Christian movement in Roman writers of the time (including first century Jewish historian, Josephus).  These witnesses are questioned and analyzed by scholars in quest for the historical Jesus.  The 'historical Jesus' is a concept and research method aimed at providing a true and reliable portrait of Jesus, a word-picture that is scientific, not religious or faith-based.  

Jesus, teacher and miracle worker, and disciples, started a movement that turned into a world-wide religion.  This happened, the historian can say,  because of the spiritual power and charisma of Jesus, which was transferred into the message about him carried by ardent followers like St. Paul.  The Hellenistic world taken over by Rome was permeated by religious and philosophic currents (see Hans-Josef Klauck, The Religious Context of Early Christianity tr. Brian McNeil (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2003).  Nascent Christianity flourished in that environment.    

Since the eighteenth century Enlightenment, thinkers and historians try to uncover the base of Jesus' power and the gospel and disclose its truth or falsehood.  Philosophical doctrines of rationality and empiricism underlie theories of knowledge that enter into post-enlightenment historical investigation.  The sources for reconstructing facts about Jesus are full of talk of God, the Devil, demons and angels.  Jesus is said to have performed miracles of healing and exerted effortless power over forces of nature.  Such talk or information would mostly be ruled out in modern historiography.  Since the 1700s, many, many books have been authored on Jesus and conclusions reached range from total skepticism, i.e., Jesus Christ did not exist, to historical portraits mostly supportive of  the gospel gestalt.  An excellent guide to historical study of Jesus is Albert SchweitzerThe Quest of the Historical Jesus (1906, 1911).

Looking at Jesus of Nazareth historically, one should also look at self.  Do I believe in God?  Am I Christian?  What is my view on religion(s) generally?  What sort of scientist am I or how scientific am I?  Is the universe, on principle, understood without recourse to religion?  Considering all that is unknown in the world, is it conceivable that it is all in principle, intelligible to human mind? What is the problem with cancer, why can't it be eliminated?  Why are there bacteria and viruses inimical to large life-forms on Earth? How may quantum theory and relativity theory be unified?  Why and whence, evil, why isn't it all good?  Myriad questions pop up and so we explore, looking for answers.  Will it always be so?  Do we have need for a kingdom of God? 

Gospel of Mark 1: 14-15

 14 After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. 15 “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!”   

The truth of what happened; the historian tries to get there.  That search is worthwhile.  With Jesus of Nazareth as subject, there is no way out.  A time-machine is required.              



Wednesday, June 23, 2021

God, Deformed and Defunct

 My God is deformed and defunct.  God, the almighty God, has been affected by time and is no longer almighty nor perfect.  The Lord of all still exists, but his face has become funny to look at, strange and slightly repulsive, disproportionate, the jaw slack and too far back.  God's eyes bulge with knowledge and shock because of his weakness.  This is a thing not good.  The Devil laughs.  

I feel sorry for God as I feel sorry for myself.  I'm the product of God's incipient disease, though in that moment, God wasn't fully aware of the problem.  All creation is flawed.  Sorry, so sorry, we should be.  Oh well, "all's well that ends well"  and I think the error will be corrected.  

I praise Thee, Lord God,


Who sent Jesus Christ

to be the fix. 

Saturday, June 19, 2021

All Things are Possible with God (Mark 10:27)

Saying of Jesus in Mark's Gospel, also found in Matthew and Luke.  Part of a teaching scene sparked by a man asking Jesus how to live forever, in essence, Jesus tells his disciples that humanity cannot achieve salvation or eternal life without God.  This saying was preceded by the aphorism, "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God (v. 25)" and 

children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God (v. 24 NAS 1995).

Though it be difficult to get or find, redemption - overcoming death - is possible because of God.  

  A.  Without God, there would be nothing.

  B.  God is the maker of the possible and the impossible.

"You can't hear God speak to someone else, you can hear him only if you are being addressed"  L. Wittgenstein, Zettel tr. Anscombe (Berkeley:  Univ. of Cal. Press, 1970), p. 124e, #717

He who has ears, let him hear!  There is light within ... GTh 24 (cf. Mt 11:15, 13:9; Mk 4:9; Lk 8:8)

Take care then how you hear Lk 8:18 (also, Mk 4:24)



Sunday, May 30, 2021

'One Small Step' - 'Star Trek Voyager' (season 6, episode 8)

 This is my favorite Voyager episode.  Voyager encounters a space anomaly called a "graviton ellipse" and discovers trapped within it, an early Earth ship, Ares IV, which had transported astronauts to Mars in year 2032AD.  Ares IV had mysteriously disappeared with its pilot, LT John Kelly, stranding 2 explorers on Mars.  Voyager First Officer Chakotay and Helmsman Paris remember the 21st century mission from their education and express admiration for pilot Kelly.  USS Voyager is a 24th century vessel.  

Captain Janeway orders a Delta Flyer mission into the core of the graviton ellipse to investigate, since Astrometrics crewman, Seven of Nine, relates that the Borg had identified the anomaly and invented shield technology to protect against it.  The anomaly is attracted to electro-magnetic power and traverses subspace as well as normal space.  Seven expresses doubt and skepticism about Janeway's proposed mission, saying "history is irrelevant."  Yet Janeway orders Seven to accompany Chakotay and Paris on the Delta Flyer.  

Inside the graviton anomaly, Chakotay and Paris are stunned to find the Ares IV nearly intact.  Conscious of the historic nature of Ares IV and its mission, they attempt to tow it out of the anomaly, but are hindered and damaged when the anomaly collides with a dark matter asteroid.  Chakotay is injured, Delta Flyer's engines are inoperable.  Aboard Voyager, engineer Torres calls up a computer diagram of Ares IV, pointing to a part that can be rigged to replace Delta Flyer's damaged plasma manifold.  Seven of Nine transports to Ares IV, powers up its onboard computer and begins a difficult extrication of its ion distributor, all the while pilot Kelly's visual logs playing, which she relays back to Chakotay and Paris.  LT Kelly's corpse is in the pilot seat, occasionally glanced upon by Seven as she works.  She also witnesses Kelly's final moments after he had failed in his last try to get out of his predicament and back to his comrades.  (Kelly can't see the stars.)  

Kelly says (to "mission control, Dad, whoever finds this"), "Take all the data I've collected, put it to good use.  I hope you don't look at this as a failure, I don't!  Actually, I do have one regret, I never found out who won the world series."  [Earlier, we found out Kelly is a Yankees fan, who were playing in that year's Series.]    

Kelly's actions and comments are pathetic in retrospect, as we know his ship has been trapped in the anomaly for centuries and the data he's recording for posterity from external cameras and sensors will be unneeded for the most part.  (He has seen an alien vessel float by.)  Kelly is seen and heard in the logs diverting power from his environmental support to allow external devices to continue recording, sacrificing himself.  When Seven at last removes the ion distributor, she takes extra time to download pilot Kelly's logs and data and acts to transport his body back to Delta Flyer.  Why?  A reversal has occurred in her thinking, the history of pilot John Kelly and Ares IV aren't irrelevant.  

Back aboard Voyager, an official funeral is held for Kelly.  Captain Janeway commends him for his "spirit and bravery."  When she's done, Seven of Nine asks to speak.  Seven says she and Kelly are "more alike than one might think.  His desire to explore is not unlike a quest for perfection."  She places a hand on the space casket, in hushed tone and cracking voice says, "the Yankees in six."  Off into the delta quadrant of the Milky Way goes the coffin with John Mark Kelly's remains.

I'm reminded in the log of Pilot Kelly's final words and death of the Epilogue of Melville's Moby Dick, wherein Ishmael offers a quote from the Book of Job (1:15), "and I only am escaped alone to tell thee."  The two of them, Kelly and Ishmael, are orphans on the ocean.  So do not degrade the dignity of man in his quest for perfection, for we are indeed flawed.    

I applaud actor Phil Morris for his portrayal of Kelly & the Star Trek Voyager writers.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

I Dreamed I Woke Up

I dreamt I awoke and stepped into a mystery, 

an android handed me a brush with which to paint history.

The canvas on the easel showed a hooded figure,

'twas mine to tell the coming end of the future.

I dreamed I woke up and met an old friend,

to travel, he said, "walk on," you are sent.

I did dream of awaking - a gate to the narrow way,

to find that long time is but naught to the (I Am One) day.