Wednesday, June 23, 2021

God, Deformed and Defunct

 My God is deformed and defunct.  God, the almighty God, has been affected by time and is no longer almighty nor perfect.  The Lord of all still exists, but his face has become funny to look at, strange and slightly repulsive, disproportionate, the jaw slack and too far back.  God's eyes bulge with knowledge and shock because of his weakness.  This is a thing not good.  The Devil laughs.  

I feel sorry for God as I feel sorry for myself.  I'm the product of God's incipient disease, though in that moment, God wasn't fully aware of the problem.  All creation is flawed.  Sorry, so sorry, we should be.  Oh well, "all's well that ends well"  and I think the error will be corrected.  

I praise Thee, Lord God,


Who sent Jesus Christ

to be the fix. 

Saturday, June 19, 2021

All Things are Possible with God (Mark 10:27)

Saying of Jesus in Mark's Gospel, also found in Matthew and Luke.  Part of a teaching scene sparked by a man asking Jesus how to live forever, in essence, Jesus tells his disciples that humanity cannot achieve salvation or eternal life without God.  This saying was preceded by the aphorism, "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God (v. 25)" and 

children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God (v. 24 NAS 1995).

Though it be difficult to get or find, redemption - overcoming death - is possible because of God.  

  A.  Without God, there would be nothing.

  B.  God is the maker of the possible and the impossible.

"You can't hear God speak to someone else, you can hear him only if you are being addressed"  L. Wittgenstein, Zettel tr. Anscombe (Berkeley:  Univ. of Cal. Press, 1970), p. 124e, #717

He who has ears, let him hear!  There is light within ... GTh 24 (cf. Mt 11:15, 13:9; Mk 4:9; Lk 8:8)

Take care then how you hear Lk 8:18 (also, Mk 4:24)