Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Why is there something, rather than nothing?

I remember hearing or reading something years ago that has stayed with me. I think I may have read it in a college textbook for one of the philosophy courses I took. What I had read was something like, ...a major contribution of much German philosophy to rational thought/analysis of the world is, why is there something at all; why not nothing? I think the quote had come from a British philosopher. I remember being impressed by this statement and thinking that German thought must be profound indeed, to ask such a question, which places the human agent in a godlike position, questioning, not reality, but the basis of reality. What is the basis of reality? Wouldn't you like very much to answer this question?

1 comment:

patrickkarl51 said...

I believe that Ludwig Wittgenstein said something to the effect that the remarkable thing about life is not how it is but rather that it exists at all. For me, we are God's dream, his play, and he lives vicariously through us. My name is Karl Bruno Gatti and I have written a fictional account of the memoirs of Thomas of the teachings and acts of Jesus, and only Jesus. No inclusion of the teachings of Paul or later dogmas inserted into the Gospels to create a Church. You can check it out by visiting http://www.strategicpublishinggroup.com/title/TalesOfTheMaster.html