Tuesday, November 9, 2010

'Sick of Being Sick'

My cousin Cindy posted on Facebook that she was "sick of being sick" and wanted to get better so she could accomplish some things. Her phrase struck a chord with me and put me in mind of the human condition, generally, according to Biblical teaching and thinkers, theist and atheist, who build on that foundation. Every schoolboy knows that Adam and Eve sinned, disobeyed God, in the garden of Eden, and were exiled from paradise; and so all humanity is living in exile. All of us are infected with original sin, a spiritual disease that requires divine intervention and remediation. Whether or not one accepts the Genesis version of human alienation, the Marxian, Freud's cultural psychoanalysis of the human malaise, Hindu, Buddhist or Islamic paths to salvation, the point here is that many, many wise people agree that something is fundamentally wrong within the human way of being. Many do not realize they're spiritually sick. The first principle of Buddhism is to become Buddha, that is, wake up. This was also the zeitgeist of the 1960s in western nations (raising consciousness, implying the human mind is not sufficiently aware), an era I passed through to today, 2010. What's the answer? Where is the solution, the cure? Here's the hypothesis: become sick of being sick, investigate self-loathing, self-disgust, examine yourself. Are you morally or spiritually sick?

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