A question - how does one "ride an endless train to the end of the line." How can there be an end to what is endless? Is this not a paradox?
The quote comes from the first verse of Randy Bachman's song, 'Lookin' Out for No. 1.' Indeed it contains a contradiction between the words "endless" and "end." As a piece of advice - "every day is an endless train, you got to ride it to the end of the line" - it'd be rejected by logical positivists and analytic philosophy. Yet there is sense to the saying. Days go by in humdrum sameness and end in night, usually with sleep. The repetition of our days makes them seem endless. A day shall come, for all, that ends in death. In between, we have lots of choices. To see Jesus, to want to see Jesus, because of what he represents, could be one of these choices, a decision reaffirmed day after day.
I came ... not to do my will, but the will of him who sent me. (Jn 6.38)
Who has seen me has seen the Father. (Jn 14.9)
... seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you. (Mt 7.7)
Thy will be done on earth. (Mt 6.10)
Whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother, sister and mother. (Mt 12.50)
... walk in the day, ... those who walk at night stumble. (Jn 11.9)
Labor not for food that perishes, but for that which lasts. (Jn 6.27)
My food is to do the will of him who sent me. (Jn 4.34)
I must walk today and tomorrow and the next day. (Lk 13.33)
Thank-you for walking and showing the path to life, Master. I follow. I'm so glad to have your words.
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