Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Words about Mom: Endurance of Old-Age Illness

 Copy of reply to Charles Hedrick blog of 5/31/22.  He mentions his hearing problems associated with his old age and looks to Bible for potential aid.

Hello Charles. My Mom recently died at age of 92 (r.i.p.). She suffered hearing loss beginning around the age of 75, shortly after her retirement as a high school science teacher. As she aged, her hearing declined, but fortunately she did not have pain in the ears. Hearing aids or doctors were not able to help my Mom's hearing loss. My Mom was a devout Catholic, but suffered numerous physical maladies in her retirement. For the most part, she was able to be active in community until the age of 91. Her last year was spent confined to bed mostly, but she was still a blessing to family and friends in that her conversations were a positive influence. Even with limited hearing, she could talk on the phone and in person with people. The lesson from this, my Mom's experience, is to refine coping skills. This is hard in the face of pain. My mother had severe pain and discomfort with stomach and bathroom issues because of celiac disease. Yet her faith and prayer life were a comfort to her and fostered peace of mind. I think ritual helps in many bad situations of life, maintaining clear perspective. So I agree with the author of II Sam 19:31ff, which you cite, Charlie, in giving the experience of 80-year-old Barzillai, that health deteriorates in old age and not much improvement is available, even today in year 2022. Barzillai was content with his situation and ready to die. The key to old-age illness is coping, which comes down to mental strength or willpower. [May God have mercy.]

May Mommy rest in peace. Thanks to Mom & Dad and to God.

[ http://blog.charleshedrick.com/2022/05/my-ears-and-bible.html ]

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