Tuesday, August 22, 2023

The Actor's Art

 Art is creative production of intelligent persons for a purpose.  Purposes may vary with the intention of the artist, but always will have to do with beauty.  Art and beauty go together.  

Note that the audience of art partakes in its interpretation and has an equal role to artists in determining whether the artwork is successful, understood, beautiful and worth admiration.  An artist may feel her art has not achieved or only partly expressed her intention, but all art has a status independent of  its origins and has effects unanticipated by the artist.

Artist → Artwork ↔ Witness

Playacting in formal works, like dramas or comedies, is the expression of writers' art.  Of course, other technicians are involved in such art, directors, set decorators, musicians, etc.  An audience is immersed in this artform, since more of the five senses are involved in observation, plus music is used to manipulate emotion.  Also the onlooker has to keep track of movement and interactions, involving more mind in the process of witnessing art, intensifying the experience.  Realism becomes a powerful factor.  Fiction and fact come together in ways surpassing static art.

Actors interpret characters from written words, novels, plays, and display them.  The overall purpose of theater or cinema is to impact an audience beyond the usual reaction to a painting, sculpture or book.  Observers of actors exhibiting some story are being influenced in mind and heart in a deep way.  Good and bad come into play.  How much is our thought and behavior changed by theater and movie?  How long does the influence last?  

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